
Regular periods thanks to mushrooms

Regular periods thanks to mushrooms

Article which appeared in the online magazine on 22/01/2016.
By Dr Walter Ardigò.
Enjoy reading!

According to official data, at least half of Italian women have experienced an irregular menstrual cycle, occasionally or often. It is not a surprising figure. Indeed, menstrual irregularities are one of the most common complaints for women. Differently from what many people believe, irregular periods are not typical of adolescence: they can also occur in adulthood and even towards the menopause. In most cases, they are linked to neurohormonal imbalances: in fact, there is a very close link between the mind, hormones and ovaries. Mycotherapy, the science that uses the properties of medicinal mushrooms to improve health, is excellent to restore equilibrium.

Menstrual cycle alterations

The most common irregularities are in how often a period arrives. Theoretically the menstrual cycle should last 28 days. But in practice this is not the case for all women all the time. On the contrary, cases in which a period starts early, even after only 20-23 days from the previous one, or is delayed until even after 50 or 60 days, are very frequent. Sometimes, then, what in medical terms is called amenorrhea can take over: a menstrual delay that lasts at least three months. This is almost always due to hormonal imbalances, linked to different causes, from the malfunctioning of the structures responsible for releasing hormones to too much stress.

Other problems depend on how heavy periods are: some women can have very heavy periods or, on the contrary, lose very little blood. In most cases, the problem is underestimated.

The most suitable remedies

I recommend using two mushrooms combined, Reishi and Cordyceps, for women who suffer from such problems. In fact, they are two remedies that strengthen the female sexual apparatus and improve neuro-hormonal balance. In addition, they are very valuable because they have a regulatory action, restoring the neuro-biological rhythms, counteracting aches and pains and decreasing pathological formations (such as cysts).

The Reishi and Cordyceps combination is excellent also in pre-menopause (when many women have irregular menstruation): both stimulate the ovaries, with an action similar to that of the pituitary hormones.

Moreover, these two mushrooms perform many other functions useful for the sexual apparatus and for health in general. For example, they increase libido, energy and fertility. When severe menstrual pain is present, Auricularia can be added, which, like Reishi, has a pain-relieving action, but acts in a more targeted and powerful way on the sexual apparatus. In addition, it has an anxiolytic effect, so it helps counteract any psychological difficulties.

Each mushroom should be taken at a dose of 2 grams per day, for a minimum of 3 months.

See you next week
Dr Walter Ardigò